Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Eckersley Oxford Blog

Eckersley Oxford blog issue #1

The Eckersley Oxford blog is now up and running, bringing you the latest information from the school, latest news from Oxford and the latest developments from the world of EFL. If there is anything extra you would like us to add please contact the school or leave a comment on any post.

New Website
Eckersley Oxford is in the process of launching a new website which will provide a much more user friendly way to find out information about the school. The new website includes a cost calculator, up to date picture gallery and a much more interactive user friendly interface. The website will be 'going live' very quickly very shortly. Please click the image below for a 'sneak peak' of our new website.
Preview of the NEW Eckersley Oxford website

Phrase of the week
"He was a bit of a loose cannon so I didn't want to invite him to the party." But what does that mean? Have you heard the idiom "loose cannon"

The above video is taken from the 1999 film "Mystery Men" featuring Ben Stiller and is one way that somebody can use the term 'loose cannon'

The phrase dates back to 17th Century - 19th Century days of the British nautical expeditions and is a great phrase as you can visualise the cannon rolling around on the deck of a ship, causing panic amongst the crew members. Therefore 'a loose cannon' is generally used to describe a potentially volatile person or occasionally a thing/scenario.

Olympic news watch
With just 129 days to go until the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London the whole of the UK is getting ready for the biggest showcase in the world. The Olympic games organisers have released details about the Olympic torch relay, where members of the public, including a 100 year old lady, will transport the torch around the UK through all of the countries major cities including Oxford!! The torch will arrive in Oxford on the afternoon of Monday 9th July with a celebration within one of the city's park and will then depart the following a visit to the Iffley stadium, where Roger Bannister completed the first ever sub four minute mile run on 6th May 1954. 
Please see the recommended link below for more information on the Olympic torch relay.

That's all for this week, please check back next week for the latest from Eckersley Oxford.

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